Leading with the Left

Thursday 7th August 2008. 6hr, 20min

Built wing stand. Assembled left leading edge. Received new spars. Drilled out and countersunk platenut holes on left spar.

The posts for the wing stand went up today. I left a 133" gap between them as recommended by Smitty. The advice he got was to put the brackets at 'chest height'. I interpreted this as being about arm-pit height which, for me, is 50". I am pretty certain now that this is too high for comfort by about 5"-6".

The replacement spars arrived. There had been some confusion caused by the shippers about who was paying for freight so I had to shell out €285 to take delivery, which I will get back. There is not much else for me to do at this stage so I need the spars in order to maintain progress, otherwise, I would have delayed and let them sort themselves out.

I went straight to work on them and had finished countersinking the 74 holes on the left spar by the time I finished this evening.

Sorry, no photos tonight. In fact, I don't know where I have put my camera. I suppose it will turn up.

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