Catching up

Friday 8th August 2008. 4hr, 45min

Drilled and countersunk right spar. Primed all countersinks. Installed platenuts on left spar.

I finished the countersinking, using the same method as before (clamping a piece of waste with the right size hole for the countersink cutter underneath the pre-punched and reamed-out hole). This is slow but gives very nice results.

I really wish I had a third countersink cage. Without it, I had to swap between the #30 and #21 cutters a few times but at least I was able to leave the #40 cutter properly set in its cage. That cage will not be re-set for the rest of the project. Whatever tools I have to order next (and it is certain that there will be another order at some stage - probably soon) I will certainly get another cage for permanent use with the #30 cutter.

I primed all the countersinks at the same time, using an artists brush and a stanley blade to scrape off the set-but-not-cured primer off the top surfaces of the flanges afterwards.

I have now reached the point where I was when I discovered the spar under-bend problem. That was on the 21st July. Not bad to have the problem fully worked out (almost) within less than three weeks. I put the original spars back in the new Vans crate today before I began work and I am now waiting on the shippers to pick them up.

Dorothy and I are off to a family wedding (her 1st cousin) in Athlone for the weekend. Just as well:-5 full days on the trot is plenty and I need a break.

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