Trim tab hinge

Tuesday 22nd April 2008 (1hr 15min)

Riveted hinge to trim tab skin and top spar flange. Match-drilled hinge to left elevator trim spar.

I used my air squeezer for the easy job of putting in the solid rivets to join the hinge, spar and top skin. The other part of the hinge had not yet been trimmed to length at this stage.

You can see from the paint on my overalls that I have already begun to get involved in the remodelling job in our reception rooms. Dorothy started on this a few weeks ago and it has long been planned that I would join in for the six to eight weeks that the wing kit will be en route to get here. In fact, the kit is already shipped so I am racing to get the emp finished quickly before Dorothy gets to the bits that she can't do on her own.

Next, I joined the two halves of the hinge and positioned the trim tab and hinge on the elevator, using a level as a straight edge to align the trailing edges. It's nice to have the inboard edges match up but it is more important to get the minimum 3/32 inch clearance in the gap between the outboard edge of the trim tab and the adjoining edge of the elevator trailing edge. I just about got away with it as the bend of the end tabs of the trim tab are not razor sharp so the ends bulge out a tiny bit further than they should, adding slightly to the overall length.

I clamped the hinge to the underside of the elevator trim spar at the inboard end only, using an edge-clamp cleco. This held things well enough to match-drill the first hole. From there, I just put clecos in every hole as it was drilled. I felt no need to support the hinge up under the trim spar along its full length for this operation.

Once finished, I drew out the pin and cut off the extra length of the hinge, leving a margin which I filed back flush with the inboard edge of the elevator and then polished up with the scotchbrite 1" wheel in the die grinder.

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