30th, 31st July, 1st, 2nd and 3rd August 2008 20hrs 45min
Prepared edges of main and leading edge nose ribs for both wings.This was a complete head-wrecker! Pure monotony! The only way to get through it was to put the shop radio on and do it methodically. Normally, I find that talk radio or music lessens your concentration and can lead to mistakes. However, for this job, it was exactly what was required because brain-power is a distinct disadvantage for such a repetitive task.
There are 30 main wing ribs (in six different flavours) and 16 leading edge nose ribs (4 flavours) to be done. I am lucky, I didn't have to do the tank ribs as Evan Johnson has done them for me. That would have been another 12 or so.
The routine was to:
- Set the flanges to 90 degrees with the flanging tool.
- Straighten the rib using the fluting tool
- File the long edges of all flanges with my big file
- Use small half-round and 'rat's tail' files for the edges of all the notches and corner cut-outs.
- Deburr all long edges using a combination of my two deburring tools.
- Deburr the inside edges of the lightening holes
- Sand the edges in all notches with very fine wet&dry paper
- Polish the long edges (and some corner notches wherever possible) on the Scotchbrite wheel.
- Polish the lightening hole edges with a small Scotchbrite wheel on a die grinder.
- Repeat 46 times
On average, it was taking nearly half an hour for each rib, though I broke it down into a series of sub-operations and ran through the set several times. This was to get a rythm going by having a shorter cycle to repeat.
Luckily, there are not many half-hour operations in the project that you have to repeat 46 times. Anyway, it's done now and won't need to be repeated as all the ribs for both wings have been completed.
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