Riveted right bottom HS skin. Riveted in aft spar and left HS 904 tip rib.
Easter fell very early this year - the weekend following St Patrick's day. I suppose we should have taken advantage of it and gone away for a break. However, Dorothy drives to see her mother most Sundays (leaving me to get a long spell of work on the plane) but every Easter her mother goes to visit other relatives and the break that Dorothy wants is NOT to go anywhere. Of course, I was happy to oblige and suggested that we spend an hour or so on the riveting job. Well, that's probably not how she saw her Easter Sunday working out but she was 'up for it' and played her part, if not happily then at least without verbal dissent.
There's been a lot of talk on forums recently about RV divorces. Apparently building an RV often contributes to marriage problems. In my view, no aircraft or any other hobby is worth that much pain and I have no intention of joining the ranks. So I'm trying to strike a balance and keep the project out of the way of family life as much as possible. One idea is to restrict weekend working to just one of the two days and being available either for DIY, shopping or whatever on Saturday, or else ocassionally visiting my mother-in-law with Dorothy on the Sunday - whichever she prefers. Another idea is to take long breaks between the kits. We have been planning a big re-modelling on our reception rooms - which is a project dear to Dorothy's heart. We normally do all of this kind of work ourselves so I intend to begin that when the emp is finished and complete it while the wing kit is on the high seas so that I am ready to start straight in when it arrives.
Anyway, back to today's action. I got the aft spar on and pop-riveted to the internal main ribs. I also put in the solid skin-spar rivets on the trailing edge and riveted in the left tip rib. All of these solid rivets are accessible to the air squeezer, making it easy, pleasant and fast work.
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