Sun 16th Dec 9hrs 30min
Countersunk HS-902-L spar and prepped edges. Cut replacement R-915 A&B stiffeners and match-drilled to rudder skin. Prepped R-915s. Made replacement HS-908 attach angles.
I was not happy with the second set of HS-908 attach angles. They were infinitely better than the first set but still a little smaller than the designed dimenions so, as I was having other parts sent, I decided to sport the $5 for the short length of angle required. This time, I marked very carefully and stayed well away from the lines with the bank saw. I then used a hand file and digital calipers to come right down to the exact dimensions required. Finally, I rounded off the corners to match the full-size drawings. They took a surprisingly long time as the 9 HS902/7 attach holes have to be drilled and then the angles have to be match-drilled to the HS-907 doubler and HS-902 spars. In the case of the left attach-angles, I only drilled the location hole and then did the remaining drilling throught the already match-drilled holes in the spar and doubler. Naturally, I clamped a straight edge across the two angles to ensure their bottom webs are in the same plane.
Eventually, I was happy that my HS-908s are spot on and all the other little 'oops' to date had been cleared up. Pity abut that trim tab.
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