Fri. 2nd November 2007 3hrs 10min
Prepared edges of HS-905 nose ribs. Adjusted flanges to 90 degrees. Straightened ribs by fluting flanges. Fabricated the HS-909 shims. Clecoed the skeleton together.
Even though there was plenty of the required .040 material in the bundle of trimmings, I was taking no chances this time. I marked out the HS-909 shims with great care, cut them out with a reasonably wide margin (about 3/32) and filed them back to the line, measuring the dimensions with a digital calipers as I came near to the final dimensions. Overkill, I know but it was as much about developing the skills of getting a part absolutely right as it was about these two minor parts. After all, the key dimension is the thickness of the metal they are made from rather than the width or height.
I held the shims in place in the ends of the appropriate ribs with side-jaw clecoes and match drilled them. I should have immediately marked them for position and orientation but I was able to match them up perfectly later on, as it turned out.
The skelleton of spars and ribs went together without any trouble and gave me a nice point on which to end the evenings work.
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