Wed. 14th Nov 4hr 20min
Stripped vinyl from VS 901 skin. Deburred and #40 dimpled skin. Deburred, dimpled and edge preped spars. Prepped edges of skins and VS 808PP doubler. Countersunk fwd side of VS808. Dimpled #30 fwd side of Aft VS803 spar.
I had to go to Roscommon (West of Ireland) for a conference so I rearranged my schedule to work on the project during the afternoon and travel in the evening.
I dissassembled the VS and got down to preparing the edges of all the parts. I am particularly pleased with the technique for holding and supporting the edges of the large parts. Even the top and bottom edges of the VS skins proved to be very easy. Those engineering type vices that I got in Lidl and which attach to the edge of my bench were invaluable again. this time, I used some lengths of teak either side of (and between) the two skin edges. Wehn doing the top and bottom, which are a continuous V shape, I just used a shoter piece of timber in the middle..

You need to be careful about which holes to countersink on the VS808PP and dimple on the VS803 spar. It helps if you know how the finished unit will be fitted to the fuse. That makes it obvious that the lower end of the forward side of the VS803 needs to be flat so it can can be fitted tight against the bulkhead. That means it has to be dimpled in that area to take countersunk rivets and the doubler plate behind it needs to be countersunk to accept those dimples as it is too thick to be dimpled itself.